rooster with bugs...


11 Years
Dec 6, 2009
Williamstown, South Jersey
I need some investigative help. Shortening the story, my rooster was acting sick but came around but wasn't roosting on his roost but instead was sitting in the nest box because it seemed he had bad balance. Anyway, today I found litle lice - like bugs around his neck on the base of his feathers. My books all mention lice, mites ,etc.and eggs but not like these....these "eggs" are white, about 1/4 inch long and are stuck onto the base of his neck feathers against his skin. I tried to pull them off but seemed to hurt him. I dusted him with DE and hopefully I didnt kill him. I remember dusting my former coops with pyrethrin (i think) but can i use it on the rooster? T I also read that these bugs can cause anemia!!How do fix that? Maybe thats why he's sleeping in the nest box - weak.maybe? Can anyone help me? Now i guess I have to chase everyone around to check each hen. Oh, I thought I was making this a short story...sorry
You need to get some poultry dust (or Sevin garden dust). Dust all birds in the coop and clean the coop out really well. Sprinkle the poultry dust on the floor and in the nest boxes before you put the shavings back. Dust the birds again in 10-14 days as the eggs will have hatched. Repeat until they are gone.
Pyrethrin, and its man-made cousin Permethrin, are both safe to use as a dip on the bird. READ the instructions and FOLLOW them.
Good luck!
Does anyone know what those eggs are of? (mites, lice, etc) I reccomend Frontline+ it kills the bugs and the eggs. One drop behind the comb, another on one wing, and the last on the other wing. Good luck!

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