Rooster won't leave nesting box


In the Brooder
Mar 28, 2016
So I bought a pair of Rhode Island red bantams along with a bbr red bantam, they seemed happy and content so I purchased a beautiful white wyndotte bantam rooster and tried entering him in the flock. Obviously the two roosters fought until one was found dominant. A couple days ago I found the flock sleeping in one corner and my white wyndotte in another. So I picked up my wyndotte and put him in one of the nesting boxes and let the flock go to their nesting box that they all decided to share. My wyndotte won't leave his box. Not during feed time, not for treats, I can't think of anything. I tried picking him up and placing him in front of water but he goes right back in the nest, he might be going out while I'm at work or school but I haven't seen him move. I think he is depressed, what should I do? (I apologize for how long this post is!)
Sometimes when a rooster is defeated he just gives up because of fear and intimidation. I would move him to a separate pen and see if he recovers.

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