Roosters crowing at night??


12 Years
Sep 12, 2007
Collinsville, MS
Hi Everyone,
We have about 10 full grown roosters who free range in the back yard.
We have been keeping/raising chickens for about 2.5 years now and are still learning as we go.
Before we got them I always thought roosters only crowed in the mornings, well quickly found out that isn't the case of course.
My question is though, why do they crow during the night as well. Ours start crowing at any time during the night.
My guess would be that some thing wakes them up and they are just " talking " to each other the way they would during the day. But that seems to be a bad idea at night with as many predators around as there are. Gives their position away so to speak.
Anyone that could enlighten on this?
Thank you. Jenny
Are they in a coop at night? Roosters will feed off of each other and crow back and forth. I don't think anyone knows what causes rooster to crow, they have a mind of their own.
Is their coop lit? Are there house lights on they can see? Some will crow at the moon. Roosters have minds of their own. A friend of mine had to learn to not turn on the kitchen light when he would get up to get a drink of water in the middle of the night. As soon as he would turn the kitchen light on his rooster would start crowing. It didn't matter if it was midnight or 3am!
Thanks for all your replies.
The girls are all nice and cozy in the coop. The Boys hang out in the yard and roost on the shed.
After reading your replies I think maybe it's the light. The house has security lights that have motion sensors.
I suspect that critters might be kicking off those lights at night and waking up the guys.
Thanks again.

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