Roosting muscovies


Oct 17, 2015
I'm new to ducks. I have 3 female lavender Muscovites who won't go into duck house. They roost. Trees or rooftops. Now they are roosting on my neighbours roof. I've tried training to food and they come in mornings but not in evenings. How do I train them not to roost , should I clip their wings but then if they still won't go into duck house foxy will eventually get to them. Any advice??? Neighbours won't tolerate a duck dropping roof for long!

I don't have ducks (yet) but try posting your question over on the Duck forum, someone over there can most likely give you some ideas.

Good luck, thanks for joining us.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm a chicken person and don't know much about ducks, but definitely post on our duck section in the forum at the top of the page and take advantage of our duck experts there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
I think you may have to fashion an enclosed run for them with top, so they can't cause major friction with your neighbors. If they roost in trees it won't be long before night time marauders pick them off the branches for a midnight snack.

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