
So far my two girls haven't sat on either of their roosts (2x4, wide side up or 1x2, wide side up), that I've seen. Before I got them, their living quarters did not have any sort of perch or nest box for them. At least one has figured out the nest box, but they both just sit on the floor like a brick. I believe they're about 10 months old. Granted, I've only had them for less than a week, but do you think they'll ever figure it out?
When I first moved my birds from the brooder to the coop I put up a couple of heavy duty curtain rods and within a week all were using them. I replaced them with a bleacher set up made with 2x3's (3" face up) and it took a week before they were all comfortable with the new arrangement. two of my roosters prefer the floor. They cuddle in a corner and usually a hen or two will join them. Everyone seems to be content so I don't worry about it. They seem to know what they are comfortable with.
How high is the roost you've put in? If they've never roosted before, you may need to start with it really close to the ground first (6" to a foot), to get them to start using it, then after they've found how pleasant roosting is, you can start to raise it. And as said, it's really early, and they may just be in "new place" shock. I'm horrible about over-spoiling mine, but have you given them a night light - they are way more willing to explore if they can see.
the roosts are not high at all. This is the inside of the chicken tractor, which is all I have right now. And I have put one of those stick on LED lights in the corner for them. It's not super bright, but hopefully makes things less scary. ;)

the roosts are not high at all. This is the inside of the chicken tractor, which is all I have right now. And I have put one of those stick on LED lights in the corner for them. It's not super bright, but hopefully makes things less scary. ;)

Sorry, this might be way too late of a response................ It's hard to tell your dimensions and I don't know what size hens you have, but...

The 1x2 looks very close to the wall and even a bit close to the ceiling.
Both might be more comfy if the tops were rounded. I've read that 2x4s were great but the tops are generally rounded off and almost to the point of being closer to 3-3.5" across the top.
Also make sure the top residents aren't pooping on the lower residents. Or all over the back wall.
You might also try placing them on the roosts in the semi-dark.

I'm in the process of building a second coop to house additional hens. From several suggestions from BYC forums, I'm placing a rounded off 2x4 or 2x3 over a poop board. The roost will be 12" from the wall and also from the outer edge of the poop board. This way (hopefully) there will be minimal poop on the wall or floor, they can jump/fly to the edge and have room to then hop onto the roost.
one of my coops use 1x4 on the flat side. my other coop uses 2x4 on the flat side ladder style.
Mainechicklet, how do you mount your 'poop board'? How low from the roost. I can't believe I haven't thought of that, what a great idea. My brains are churning right now, something to do tomorrow
Mainechicklet, how do you mount your 'poop board'? How low from the roost. I can't believe I haven't thought of that, what a great idea. My brains are churning right now, something to do tomorrow

Here's a picture of my roost pole, and the poop board underneath it. The roost pole is two 2x4s in a T arrangement, and the poop board is 1/2" plywood with 1x2s on the edges. The piece of OSB was temporarily there to keep a couple of pullets from roosting on the poop board; it's gone now, and all 11 spread out on the roost pole.

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