Rosecomb Thread

I bought this pair sat. at a chicken swap. I couldn't pass them up, I love this coloring. I cant wait till hes done molting to see his colors better. What color do they call this? How do they look?... Thanks


she looks red pyle and he looks like a splash leaking some other color... maybe red pyle splashed?? or sun-bleached

The roo is in poor condition so, it's hard to tell what quality he is. I would say they are decent quality but not show quality. Lobes should be bigger and more round ...kind of like the sketch by katherine you're using for your avatar. The combs should be wide at the base tapering back to a point that slightly curves upward.
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I have 4 black pullets and 2 roosters. My roosters are very common,
I would like to re-place the roosters with a good SQ if it don't break
the bank. Can somebody point me in the direction to find one. Somebody
give me a price range what a good one should cost. And a good reputable
breeder that is trust worthy. I'm in north central Arkansas.

Thanks Keith
I have Blacks, BBReds, and a pair of Whites. The BBReds are about 3 months old, same with my Whites. My Blacks are about a year old. I'll have to get pics.

Of course, someone I bought my BBReds from someone in Knoxville when they were a day old. I got 5 cockerals and 1 pullet! UGH! Just my luck!

One of my Black roos is a free ranger and he hates my guts! He comes running at me every chance he gets and does the "dance" before he attacks. The littlest bird on the farm and he has to try to attack the biggest thing on it....ME!

here's a brood story I posted a while ago

I have a first time young broody with 3 day olds now. My coops are all elevated and I left the door open today and the chicks jumped out. I let them free range. In the evenings my cochin broodies are usually too dumb to realize the peeps can't get back up and will abandon them to roost with the flock....leaving them peep incesantly until I go out and round everyone up. They are also famous for jumping up in the nesting boxes and letting them chill. I have two good cochins in there now that are super reliable. Anyway, this young mother is under the coop covering her babies all by herself. I just let her alone and she's the first one up finding goodies for her babies in the morning. SUPER BROODIES
I had one Black Rosecomb hen. She disappeared on me and I was sure she was taken by a fox or who knows what. We looked all over the place and she was gone. Three weeks later she came out of our barn with 7 beautiful babies behind her, 5 black chicks and 2 whites. We had no clue! She nested behind some old hay bales and did what came naturally.


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