Rotten egg...?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
Tamworth, Ontario, Canada
My dad called me and told me he got a rotten egg from the last dozen I gave him. It was all black goop and smelled awful. Could this be a one time thing or should I be worried? The egg couldn't have been any more than a week old. I sell eggs in my community and really hope I haven't made anyone sick. I try to wash my eggs as little as possible because of the bloom, but sometimes they can be a little messy. Anyone with a little experience or words of encouragement?
Any time a reliable customer gives a complaint worry. Go over how you handle the eggs try to think how things could have gone wrong. Take the time to rethink how you handle the eggs, how you clean them, did you check for cracked eggs every time. How is the good is the storage, did it get to hot or cold, did they get to old waiting to be sold. Even how its handled in delivery till its in the customer's hands. I can't tell you not to worry, because there should always be some worry. I can tell you to hope it was a one time thing. If this was the first one it may be a fluke. How long have you been selling eggs?
I've been selling the eggs since around June, so a just a few months. I'm pretty particular about what I sell just for this reason. I really hope this is just a one time thing. No one else has ever complained but I have a lot more eggs coming in right now cause we got a few more hens in the last month and they are all laying. Thank God it was just my dad and not a paying customer!
I would bet that the one he got was cracked some where along the line.

For those that do not know. You can tap two eggs together to hear for cracks, whole shells have a much better sound then cracked shells. A method my grandmother taught me when I was a young lad. Back then it fascinated me to try to find the small crack I couldn't see with a glance, but could hear.
I would bet that the one he got was cracked some where along the line.

For those that do not know. You can tap two eggs together to hear for cracks, whole shells have a much better sound then cracked shells. A method my grandmother taught me when I was a young lad. Back then it fascinated me to try to find the small crack I couldn't see with a glance, but could hear.
Wow, would love to learn this.....
Simple to learn in a quite spot, take two good eggs and tap them together, listen. If you don't have an cracked egg gently crack one so its intact, tap with a good egg and listen. You should easily hear the difference. That test is applied to many things that give a tone when tapped. Metals, and ceramics are two good examples. Take a ceramic vase or plate tap and listen. I don't advise you cracking the good china to hear the difference. I don't know how many or if, big egg producer use it anymore, but a while back they developed a machine that taps each egg to find the cracked eggs.

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