Agent Idaho

In the Brooder
Dec 18, 2016
I live near a park with a pond, and unfortunately sometimes people who no longer want their pet ducks will drop them off there. A few weeks ago this happened to 2 rouen ducks, who didn't integrate into that flock and wandered the neighborhood. When they showed up to my street one of them got hurt by a dog and my neighbor took it to a wildlife sanctuary thinking it was a large mallard. The other one couldn't go and was very upset and didn't leave the place where they had taken the other one. We gave her some food and water and found out she is a very sweet duck and now she is kind of our pet.
I have never owned a duck before and we are currently feeding her Purina layer crumbles that we feed to our chickens. We put her in our backyard so she can't be hurt like her friend did, and she sleeps under the porch where it is quite sheltered, and I think we will get her a small kiddie pool.
If you have any advice on ducks or this specific duck breed, it would be very appreciated. And if you know any ducks breeds that get along with Rouen ducks that would be very helpful as well, since I don't want her to be lonely.
I think you’d be fine with most any breed that was about the same size. Make sure it’s actually a female though. This time of year males and females look the same. If it quacks it’s a female.

Maybe you could contact the sanctuary and see if you can adopt the other duck. If it’s not a wild breed you don’t need any special permit or anything. I’m sure they’d prefer to adopt it out.
Hi! If you can’t adopt the one out of the sanctuary, Metzer farms is a good place! They’ll let you choose female or male! I would advise female!

We let our older ducks free-roam for an hour, and we give them freshly caught worms! We have a plastic kiddy pool, with the sides built up (using crates with sand sloped on it) so it’s easy for them to get in and out! Good luck! :)
I have an adult female Rouen, Daphne. She formerly had a close Pekin friend, Margie. When Margie passed away in early summer, my husband bought two Muscovy ducklings of unknown sexes. Now, they are a happy group of 3. Daphne doesn’t seem to care that her new friends aren’t Rouens.

Daphne’s favorite things are her pool (large round plastic kiddie pool) and dried mealworms (I mix a small amount in with her duck layer pellets daily).

Good luck with your new duck! If you can’t adopt her friend from the sanctuary, check around your neighborhood as, at least here, a lot of people downsize their flock before winter and you may be able to find adult birds quite easily! Just make sure to introduce them slowly :)
We have one Rouen, Sunshine. She is the BOSS of the Three Amigos and wherever she goes, they go. She loves her companions and they are inseparable. I would suggest getting her a couple of friends, since ducks love their flock mates. Sunshine is sweet, active and hilarious. She lays her head on my knee at snack time and constantly talks to me while I feed everyone their goods. She can be impatient for her tomatoes because she LOVES them. She spends a ton of time in the pool.

Ducks are awesome. I think you will love having her. And, once she gets to know you, you will never be alone!
I have an adult female Rouen, Daphne. She formerly had a close Pekin friend, Margie. When Margie passed away in early summer, my husband bought two Muscovy ducklings of unknown sexes. Now, they are a happy group of 3. Daphne doesn’t seem to care that her new friends aren’t Rouens.

Daphne’s favorite things are her pool (large round plastic kiddie pool) and dried mealworms (I mix a small amount in with her duck layer pellets daily).

Good luck with your new duck! If you can’t adopt her friend from the sanctuary, check around your neighborhood as, at least here, a lot of people downsize their flock before winter and you may be able to find adult birds quite easily! Just make sure to introduce them slowly :)
Your daphne sounds lovely! And I hope my duck will love her new friend as much as yours did. And I was wondering, should I quarantine the new duck before I start introducing them?

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