Rouen Duck thread

One of my Rouens has a slight limp :-( he doesn't appear to have any swelling and I don't see bumble foot. He isn't holding it up, just doesn't appear to be putting a lot of weight on it. I noticed it the day after they got a larger pool. Is there anything I could do / try?
Has anyone seen anything like this on their duckies legs?

it's like a growth spot of down on his leg. Any feedback would be appreciated.
My babies are 7 weeks. I haven't noticed anyone having any real problems since we got over that first week of life. They (12 babies and 1 that is 4 weeks older) all seem very healthy and vibrant.
I was actually trying to get pictures of his curly butt feathers when I noticed the fluff on his leg.
I touched it, he didnt care, it does not look unhealthy in any way. I was just curious if anyone has seen this before as I have not.

I dont think its un-healthy, I think its more like having an extra nipple or a funky birthmark Just weird.

Yep, he's a strange duck.
...a few from today. Sorry so many! About 9 1/2 weeks old I believe now.

possibly two couples racing???....

I think it is neat how the water doesn't seem to even touch them.

My darkest one. Always was darker, even as a little baby.

Your pictures are beautiful! I do photography and I would love to get pictures this good of my ducks! What is your secret??? Mine don't like us to get up close to them, they scatter as soon as we go in the pen.
One of my Rouens has a slight limp :-( he doesn't appear to have any swelling and I don't see bumble foot. He isn't holding it up, just doesn't appear to be putting a lot of weight on it. I noticed it the day after they got a larger pool. Is there anything I could do / try?

That happened with one of my rouens last week. I'm thinking he must have hurt it getting in or out of their pool. He wouldn't put any weight on one of his legs. I gave him half of a baby aspirin and he was fine the next day.
My husband & I got some Rouen Ducks back on April 3rd. We ended up getting 4 Rouens & 1 Pekin. (we had 5 Rouens, but we lost one
) My son wanted a white one so he could name him Howard.
Then a couple weeks ago we added 3 more female ducks that are about 1 year old. They are Welsh Harlequins.

These are pics of the Rouens & Howard when they were little:

They are now 6 weeks old today:

And these 3 are our Welsh Harlequins:

The twins listening to something after they were done playing in the mud!


Blue getting a drink!

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