Rouen Duck thread

I have three duck one male two females and one of my females has laid about 17 eggs she has made a nest for them but won't sit on them I bought them from metzer farms please help is this normal?
I always thought ALL the "wild" ducks I have ever seen were called Mallards.
Rouen ducks look just like them. Do Rouens fly?

I will Thank you now & I look forward to your knowledge regarding these two kinds of ducks!
One of my Rouen ducklings is starting to get a white ring around its neck. Safe to assume it's a boy or is it a phase they go through? I'm so anxious to know what all eight of them are!

So I'm not sure how old these two are exactly. I've had them for 3 weeks, but they weren't day old chicks at tac. They are hatchery choice, but pretty sure Roens.
One has recently started not peeping, but still not sure what it is. Sounds like a quack with a voice break lol. The other still peeps though presumably they are the same age. Anyone want to confirm they are Roens and give a guess as to sex?
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So I'm not sure how old these two are exactly. I've had them for 3 weeks, but they weren't day old chicks at tac. They are hatchery choice, but pretty sure Roens.
One has recently started not peeping, but still not sure what it is. Sounds like a quack with a voice break lol. The other still peeps though presumably they are the same age. Anyone want to confirm they are Roens and give a guess as to sex?

They definitely appear to be Rouens. As for the sex, you may have to wait until their voices change more or their colors change. Waiting is so hard!

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