Rouen or Mallard duckling?


In the Brooder
Apr 1, 2016
Roy, utah
hello fellow duck lovers! This is my first time owning ducks besides when I was a little girl. So needless to say, I have a lot of questions! I got these two ducklings one week ago from a local feed store. I was told they were both 2 days old. They were very close to the same size when I got them. Now the little yellow Pekin is huge compared to my other little guy (who my 5 year old son named Mr. Quackers Feather Bottom). I'm wondering if Mr, Q may be a Mallard? Can anyone enlighten me? Thank you!

My rouen at around 2 weeks with my runner who was about three weeks old.

This was a week earlier.
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Looks like it has two dark lines going across his face, which means he is a rouen. Mallards only have one line.
Rouens take like a year and a half to get full size so your pekin will probably grow faster than him/ Her.
Ok. I guess that's what confused me. I saw the stripe across his eye and the two dots below and I wasn't sure if that was a second stripe. Thanks for the info!

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