
Photos of hen?
How old is she?
Is she molting?
If not molting, when was her last egg?
Could upload photos tomorrow.
Not molting but did have feather loss in the bum area of this chicken that we have chalked up to victim of either protein deficiency or boredom (treated with occasional mealworm treats and added enrichment to run - seems to have been most prolific when we were out of town and they were confined to the run. 5 hens in a 14x 8 space, but used to running around more freely at least for part of the day) the shrunken comb and small crop are what makes us feel these aren't feathering recovery symptoms.
Not sure when the last egg was but it's not laying currently. Probably a week and possibly more (hard to tell because she and our Rhode Island red have almost identical eggs, but based on time we know at least not for a week)
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Could upload photos tomorrow.
Not molting but did have feather loss in the bum area of this chicken that we have chalked up to either protein or boredom (treated with occasional mealworm treats and added enrichment to run - seems to have been most prolific when we were out of town and they were confined to the run. 5 greens in a 14x 8 space, but used to running around more freely at least for party of the day) the shrunken comb and small crop are what makes us feel these aren't feathering recovery symptoms.
Not sure when the last egg was but it's not laying currently. Probably a week of not more (hard to tell because she and our Rhode Island red have almost identical eggs, but based on time we know at least not for a week)
***To be clear, feather pecking issue seems to be resolved, there's good growth and mites/lice aren't the issue based on our extensive searching***

Feather regrowth was also well in effect before anemic symptoms began
Also, there's been some head shaking.
The head shaking may indicate that something is in her throat. If you can’t see any food stuck down her throat then there is a chance that your hen may have gapeworm. One of my hens had gapeworm last year and she would shake her head and stretch her neck out to try and clear the worms.
It's not gapeworm.
@Zud Get your hen started on Corid 9.6% liquid solution. Dosage is 9.5ml per gallon of water for 5 days. Make it fresh daily and dont add anything else to the mixture. Do not give her anything containing thiamine during treatment.
I'm getting a fecal sample tested tomorrow. It's relatively cheap and then I'm not guessing, but I'll have the corid and fenbendazole on hand for either outcome.

Thanks for the help!
I'm getting a fecal sample tested tomorrow. It's relatively cheap and then I'm not guessing, but I'll have the corid and fenbendazole on hand for either outcome.

Thanks for the help!
I think a fecal test is a good idea, especially to check for coccidia, but the test isn't always accurate for worms. As many a vet has told me: not every poop will contain worm eggs. Followed by "bring in another sample in two weeks to test again if you still think they have worms." Also the vets in my area who do the test "in house" rather than sending to a lab have never once been able to diagnose worms in my chickens poop even when I handed them a sample clearly covered in moving tapeworm segments... 😒
So.... That chicken ended up being negative for parasites, including giardia and coccidiosis.

She still has a pale and shrunken comb. She's eating but not a ton. There's head shaking... And she's a bit stand off-ish and skittish (more than usual, in the best of times she is bothered by someone even considering touching her). And she's apparently been shedding some intestinal lining.

She *is* recovering from some feather pecking around her vent which is *not* due to mites or lice.

8 months old.

Any thoughts on what it could be?

Attaching the evidence we found in her poop plus a healthy photo of this chicken and what she's looked like for over a week now.


Taking a bath when she was getting her feathers plucked.

A couple days ago;
Have you noticed any discharge from eyes or nares? Any bubbles in the corners of the eyes?
No. There was a little clear discharge, very slight, back on like January 2 when we brought her inside to observe. This was day two of the pale comb.... so we put the whole flock on Denagard, and I haven't noticed that since then. The other described symptoms haven't gotten worse, but not really better either...

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