Rules for The Coop that the books don't tell you. My experience as a newbie.

Quote: bwhahahahaha
OH yes, the dreaded "melted" chickens.

Another thing...

*Roosters dance.  Well, they THINK they can dance.  All of mine have either looked like they have a broken limping leg, or are recovering from a stroke of some kind, or have some inner ear balance problem.  The upside is, that it usually distracts the hens long enough (they drop to the ground laughing I suspect) that he can get his groove on.  So Mr Rooster thinks he's the worlds best dancer and makes it part of his mating repertoire.
That cracked me up! I'm reminded of Elaine dancing on Seinfeld!
I think I needed that list when I got chickens. LOL! :p

1: Oh yeah, they go for the toes, the fingers, the eyes, and yes, they go for the lips as well!
2: How do you spell EXPECT? Oh yea, D. E. M. A. N. D.
3: If you have 40 chickens in one coop and try to walk through a door, you should practice walking through a flash flood first
4: You have 300 ft of fence with one opening. The chickens manage to slip out of that 1 ft opening, and yet they try to get back through every other foot besides that one
5: Thankfully, I have glasses. Still, I think they are considering how to get around them when they stare at my eyes the way they do
6: Have you ever heard trying 99 times and only once succeeding? Well, the chickens are sure those buttons will come off your shirt if they just keep trying
7: When I bend over at feeding time, the hens will all try to jump onto my back, as if that will get them food faster

Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup

I really didn't know what to expect going into this. Now I know to expect everything. I've been pecked in the eyeball at least three times. Lol. Also, freckles are treats.
Why is it that they choose to squirt those chocolate pudding caecal poops right in front of your feet? Or they go around all of the well formed poops, but step in the pudding ones? Why is it that one hen laying an egg requires an audience and choral group of at least 3? Why is it that when raising up a new crop of young 'uns, the first ones to play in the nest box are the cockrels?
I have to add if you're dumb enough to get polish chickens and don't take the time to tame them down, be prepared for them to scream and fly right at your head every time you want to check for eggs, they're like pterodactyls.
This stuff is helping me so much! I don't feel so alone with the weird things that happen daily. I just kept thinking "I'm doing this chicken thing wrong." Lol.

Nope, you're not doing it wrong. It's the chickens...wily little things.

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