*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

X-post from intro thread, but seemed useful here, too!
I've been keeping growth logs of my runner ducklings. Data includes picture, weight (grams), bill-to-tail length (mm) and foot-to-haunch length (mm). It's not 100% filled in, but there's solid data for days 1-40 or so for all the ducklings that made it that far; about 230 individual measurements. Be interested what use people can make of this.

Here's a link: https://airtable.com/shrnwLLBrjzMjsv2k

Also, in case anyone was wondering: Luey, Della, and Webby II are doing well. In fact, Luey and Della were.. *ahem* _dancing_ today. Should have eggs (maybe fertilized!) very soon!

Oh, thank you for sharing your chart! I thought I was the only one using charts! I too have charts, but they are in Word format and I don't know how to upload that. On my chart, I also charted the difference between each day's weight and the previous day's weight.

I was charting 12 purebred Indian Runner ducklings. Here are some of my findings:

1) By subtracting the previous day's weight from the current day's weight I discovered that daily weight gain was quite variable from one duckling to the next - and especially from one day to the next. Some ducklings gained almost nothing one day only to gain a lot the next. Others were pigs and gained a lot nearly each day.

2) Using hindsight, I also discovered that the heavier ducklings at 3 weeks were NOT necessarily the males. The weights were evenly distributed according to gender at that age.

3) Using hindsight, I saw that by 9 weeks, the males were beginning to overtake the girls ON AVERAGE. However, individuals still varied so widely that weight could not be used as a clue to gender. In any case, by that age voice was a good predictor of gender!

I had hoped that weight could be used to help determine gender. My conclusion: weight was not usually an accurate way to determine gender, and weigh/gender trends tended to begin to appear after the ducklings had already shown gender by voice.

Let me know if you analyze your data!
Just had to show off my 3 month old drake.

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