*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

She seems to be having egg laying trouble.

I would put her into a lukewarm tub, water deep enough to float in for about an hour. It should help her relax and pass the egg. Be careful handing her so as not to break the egg in her abdomen.

Longer term, get her some calcium supplements. I use 23% calcium gluconate liquid, a teaspoon per four ounces of water added to their food. I also add a little dry cat kibble that has extra vitamin D in it.
Thank you so much for this info, I am going to try all of this. Is it common for runners to have egg laying trouble?
I have been told by my vet that the heavy-duty egg layers - including runners - can have more problems, just because they often lay more.

Sufficient calcium, high-nutrient diet, exercise including swimming, all help. I am still tweaking things because I have a few runners and a buff who have had egg troubles of one sort or another over the last four years.

But we are doing pretty well. Right now everyone but Hazel, one of the buffs, is taking a break from egg laying. Little Hazel just keeps popping them out, four or five a week right now. Bless her. I would like her to rest.
Hey can i join the runner duck club?
For many years I've wanted Runner ducks. I just love they way they look. My heart melts when my babies run after me!

Having a cuddly snooze, I love patting their feet when they lay this way.

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