*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

I want to plant a duck meadow so the runners can have salad along with their kibble, but I'm concerned about planting something that might not agree with them. I think I'm pretty safe with clovers, winter rye, and rye grass, but what about vetches and field peas? Also, does anybody have any ideas about plants that are both bee and runner friendly? My google-fu is failing me today :(. Thanks!
I want to plant a duck meadow so the runners can have salad along with their kibble, but I'm concerned about planting something that might not agree with them. I think I'm pretty safe with clovers, winter rye, and rye grass, but what about vetches and field peas? Also, does anybody have any ideas about plants that are both bee and runner friendly? My google-fu is failing me today :(. Thanks!
I would not plant vetch - I have been warned away from it for ducks. Spring-planted field peas are supposed to be okay, per a Purdue publication I came across a couple of years ago. But that's the dried peas, so don't jump in on that one - the plants themselves may not be advisable.

Dandelion, oats, buckwheat, anything in the cabbage family (though I would stay away from the spicier ones), chufa, some blueberry and raspberry bushes around the edges, maybe a dwarf mulberry on one side, lamb's quarter is a big hit with our runners, and lady's thumb Polyganum persicaria is a good one, too.
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I would not plant vetch - I have been warned away from it for ducks. Spring-planted field peas are supposed to be okay, per a Purdue publication I came across a couple of years ago. But that's the dried peas, so don't jump in on that one - the plants themselves may not be advisable.

Dandelion, oats, buckwheat, anything in the cabbage family (though I would stay away from the spicier ones), chufa, some blueberry and raspberry bushes around the edges, maybe a dwarf mulberry on one side, lamb's quarter is a big hit with our runners, and lady's thumb Polyganum persicaria is a good one, too.
Appreciated! Dandelion is always welcome, so now I have a good excuse
. Off to research and amend my shopping list!
Hi Ducky folks. Not a member but figured ya'll would be the best ones to ask.
I am preparing to order ducklings for next year. We already have 1 pekin, 3 rouens, 2 scovies, 1 blue swedish, and 3 buffs. Am adding 1 cayunga, 1 jumbo pekin, and 1 khaki campbell. I think the runners are very cute and info points to them being good layers. All ducks in the flock are females they live with the chickens. In one pen we have our "rough neck" girls and guys and in the pen with the ducks are the more gentle girls and a suave gentle silkie roo. So back to my main questions.

Are runners a nervous breed? And to what extent would you say they are...could it be over come?

If I only order 1 (my plan) will it get along with the others?-- I am thinking more along the lines of it appearing different from everyone else. I know generally speaking if they are raised together they will be fine in their own little group.-- Are they easily bullied?

Thanks for your input and advice in advance
My runners are high energy but not nervous. I have spent quite a bit of time socializing them. They seem cliquish, though, and it has taken a bit of patience to integrate adopted buffs into the mix. It is working, though. One of the buffs is a drake, that may be most of the challenge.

Whether larger ducks would pick on one, that may occur because ducks often will push another one around. It will be up to the ducks.
They are definetely more nervous than other breeds, and get more easily frightened than, let's say, a muscovy, but they can get tame nontheless and integrate well into a flock. I recently purchased a trout show quality runner. She got accepted by my mixed flock pretty quickly and has already calmed down a good deal but at first she was really nervous and bumped into every obstacle.

Whether a duck gets picked on highly depends on its flockmates - some can be really aggressive and tend to attack new faces as often as they can during their waking hours, while others are more indifferent and accept new ducks very quickly. My muscovies were very curious about the new runner, went up on her and examined her carefully without a sign of aggression, while my runner couple was first afraight of her and didn't want her around, but now, one week later, they mostly forage as a trio.
Hello everyone and happy New Year. Glad I found this thread as i am planning on getting runners ASAP. If anyone has some good sites for information on these ducks please PM me the links here on BYC. I am right now checking on local sources for them but would like to get more information on the breed and care taking guidelines. I have the ability to hatch eggs or raise ducklings so general resouces for raising would be helpful. Thanks.
I need some advice. My female runner just laid her first egg a couple of days ago. It has been a couple of days and she hasn't laid anymore eggs but today she is acting like she is having a hard time walking at times and her tail almost looks like it's dragging the ground. She can't even run away from me when I try to get to her so she just lays there. I'm not sure what the behavior is before they lay an egg but I am wondering if this is why she is walking funny. Please help.

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