*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

My runners have mood ring bills. Sometimes the mainly black bill is tinged with blue, sometimes with green, looking like there's a little algae.

Their behavior corresponds to their bill highlights. When bluish, we are mellow, mellow. When greenish, we are much more vocal and energetic.

he looks like a magpie to me.
Best of Show at the California State Fair. 7/27/13.

He's gorgeous Walt. I decided yesterday to move Bonnie out to the chicken pen with Clyde. The babies didn't seem to mind and all is good in Clyde's world. I've noticed that since she hatched her babies that she's starting to get her dark chocolate color back too. Here's the happy couple.

My 3 month old Runner ducks :) Jerry is the drake, Daffy and Daisy are his girls. I'm enjoying having my ducks. They are the first ducks I've had that are over 1 month old. (I've sold ducklings but never kept them later than 1 month old before). I'm enjoying having them!
All your Runners are stunning! Beautiful! Congrats on Best of Show!

Going back to my gal's bill. I can't get a much closer pic unless I go grab her for a close up, which I'm sure will be traumatic for all of us... So, here she is with her algae-covered-bill, and her hatchmate in the back for comparison. Her bill has looked like this for at least one month.
All your Runners are stunning! Beautiful! Congrats on Best of Show!

Going back to my gal's bill. I can't get a much closer pic unless I go grab her for a close up, which I'm sure will be traumatic for all of us... So, here she is with her algae-covered-bill, and her hatchmate in the back for comparison. Her bill has looked like this for at least one month.
See what you think of Wifezilla's and others' comments on this one


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