*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Very pretty love her color.
Do you mind me asking where Spock is from? She looks a lot like my Greg. She (yes, Greg is a girl..
) came with an order of Runners from Holderread's, but she has a different look and personality than the rest.


BTW - I love Runners!!
I'm glad I spent many months lurking on this website before I jumped into buying cute little ducklings at the local feed store. It's very hard to be grumpy while watching these goofballs bolting around the backyard!!
They are very theraputic. So you can add me to the Runner Duck Club!
Do you mind me asking where Spock is from? She looks a lot like my Greg. She (yes, Greg is a girl..
) came with an order of Runners from Holderread's, but she has a different look and personality than the rest.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6199/6131967798_76d25dc792.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7016/6519956977_1bf1767a20.jpg

BTW - I love Runners!!
I'm glad I spent many months lurking on this website before I jumped into buying cute little ducklings at the local feed store. It's very hard to be grumpy while watching these goofballs bolting around the backyard!!
They are very theraputic. So you can add me to the Runner Duck Club!

We actually got her and her sister from Coastal farm and ranch. So really I have no idea. My Blue swedes came from Coastal also and they are very nice quality, so maybe they come from Holderreads. Yeah Spock and her sis Tiberius were named after Star Trek people(men). But they turned out to be girls. :]
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Cute Ducks!! The white highlighting is very interesting. I especially like the pic w/the toilet.. Did they figure out they could drink from there?? I think that a toilet would be an excellent idea in the duck house (except in winter). I could just walk out and flush out all of the mud and debris a couple times a day, instead of dumping and refilling buckets; plus it's a perfect height for runners!!

I shooed them out of the bathroom before they discovered that there is water in the toilet. They did enjoy playing "echo chamber" with the waste basket.

They'd stick their heads in the basket, call, take their heads out of the basket, call, stick their heads in the basket, call, and on and on and on. It was as if they simply enjoyed experimenting with acoustics.

I have seen them do this a number of times - they seem to use sound to explore cubbie-hole type places like gaps between straw bales, or wood piles, or hollow trees.
My drake was playing "echo chamber" this summer with an empty bucket. I was filling their pool with a bucket, emptied the bucket, phone rang, sat bucket down, drake ran over and dunked head into bucket expecting water, no water, started honking excessively in bucket, removed head, and continued to honk into empty bucket. I did not know that this behavior had a "technical term"...
Like I said, I find them very theraputic!!

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