Runny nose and goopy eye *and now confused*


11 Years
Jan 15, 2009
Northern Cali
I have three pullets all 5-6 months old. They have all been active and healthy. This is my first time with checkens so I easily could have missed some signs of distress. One of my birds has had a runny nose. it was a clear discharge almost looked just like water coming out of the nostril. This has been going for a couple of days. Seems to be a little more "snot" at night then durring the day.

I might have seen my other bird with a runny nose a day or so ago but have not seen any sign of problems since then. Last night I went to close up the coop and Lefty who's had the runny nose shook her head and she had enough snot that mucus flung out. She had one eye covered with the same clear mucus.

This morning the eye is better but nose is still runny. I have not found anything online that sounds like that. Help. I'm most likely going to get a round of antibiotics at the feed store durring my lunch.

Any idea what it is? suggestions on how to treat?
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sounds like a CRD sorry are these your only birds? if not practice biosecurity with other flock. Antibiotics will treat the symptoms but from what I have read th birds will always be carriers. ot to be mean but a mass culling is one option and then a good sanatizing to kill the bacteria or what ever it is. The other is treating, but many CRD can be passed down in the egg, and can infect other flocks easily. Ultimately it is your decision but from what I have read it is pretty bad.

At the very least if you treat and keep your flock do not sell them to anyone who is not aware that they have this. If one dies you an have a necropsey done to see what strain they have and if it is a really bad one or not.

where did you get the birds? what have they been in contact with?

look up MG and CRD in the searches and you will see what I mean.

I am very sorry I have been dealing with a lot of problems as well and it is very hard, chickens are a lot more fragile than I ever thought.
Forgot some info.

I have had the three birds 1.5 months. Two Sex-links and a wyandotte. Lefty the sick one is a sex link. They are kept in an enclosed run and allowed to free range in my backyard most afternoons. The guy I got them from had given me a roo which was quickly identified by some nice BYCers and returned. I do recall the same clear nasal discharge from that roo.
sounds to me like you have contagious birds. again this is your decision, but I would cull all or return them to him and ask for your money back. sterilize everything give it a few weeks to clear off the land and start fresh with chicks or hatch some eggs. Although I sell them getting started birds can be very risky, but if you want some go the byc route and ask around to make sure who you are buying from has no signs of a diseased flock. I am sorry
Here's where I'm at. I tried to do what research I can and if almost all birds have it, it can be transmitted via air, contact, or the eggs. Not to mention wild birds it seems to be everywhere. I'm less inclined to want to cull because any other bird is just as likely to have or get it even if the are hatched from egg.

I went to our feed store and got the only antibiotics they had for chickens it was tetracycline hydrochloride which it specifically says is for CRD and MG. Yes I understand they will be carriers but I am not planning to breed them or sell them. Then I notice it says not give to laying hens, with no time frame that it's ok to eat the eggs again. The only other reference I can find on line says you must never give this medicine to a laying hen.

There are a couple other feed stores I can check out but not till tomorrow. Is it safe to give to them? Does it permanently effect the eggs? Should I just get something else? Help??
You can give them tetracycline and it will not permanently affect the eggs. That's all I really know about it. The waiting period is on BYC somewhere, something like 2 weeks, not that long. Personally, I would give it, but I am certainly not a vet.
Give them the antibiotics. Hold the eggs for 2-3 weeks.
The birds will be carriers. You probably know now why so many of us say don't introduce new birds to an established flock. The CRD is transferable through the egg. I got it that way. Culled all of my silkies last fall and that was a heartbreak b/c they were high quality, beautiful birds. No more ebay for me....

Antibiotics. If you can find terramyacin gel to rub on the eyes, it will hopefully get rid of the gunk that is making them close. If you can order or find Vet Rx for poultry (murrary mcmurray hatchery has it- probably others too). It is like vicks vapo-rub for chickens. You can add it to the water, it floats so they drink it, you can rub it under their wings where they dip their heads at night, rub on their nose and even put the fluid down their throat with a syringe. Seems like a lot of work, but it should do the trick. Might help to disinfect the coop too. I did that today as a matter of Spring cleaning. I used something I found at home depot called Zep. you could use bleach/water, too

Of course you could cull and start a new flock after disinfecting too. Depends how much you have invested in them- financially and emotionally.
Good Luck

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