runt baby chick :(

one other thing, as a one day old chick when everyone was holding it was getting dropped a lot. not 5 foot but around 1 feet - 2 feet and it fell on bedding. Could this have made it disabled or something?
😢 aw im sorry to hear that that's really sad
how old was your one when she died?
mine is three weeks
its been raining a lot recently (in June 🙄). the mama and the other one are doing really well. because the older ones growing, the mama can't sit on them all day and she walks around. but now all the small one wants is to sit under the mum all day or it stands their cheeping with its eyes closing. its trying to hide under anything in sight, including burrowing itself under the layers of newspaper and hay. so anyway, it got really cold today (and yesterday) and the baby started growing lethargic. it then started shaking really terribly and then fell on its side and on its back. it was then shakily twitching and couldn't stand properly. I brought it inside so that it could get warm and after a while, it was back on its feet. yesterday the exact same thing happened. and a week ago the same thing happened (except it was really bad). I got really worried about it but it keeps pulling through everything even though it looks like its on the brink of death. It is usually more active during hot days. when it was 2 days old, the chickens were inside the conservatory until they got a little bigger to get out. it would be lethargic and everything but one sunny day, I forgot to open the windows. I came back to the mama hen panting and when I opened the door it was so STUFFY like a tropical rainforest and so HOT. (there was water available) I immediately opened the doors and windows to let them cool down. this one, in the heat was doing so well. and it was BURNING hot.

so my mum took the chick inside and put it in front of a heater, because we don't have heat lamps. it was doing well but then started cheeping for the mum. if I bring it in, its alone and starts cheeping but its warm and everything, but if its out, it gets kicked about because it wants to burrow in the mum but the mama just wants to scratch in the dirt and the mum sits on it, but not as often, so it just stands there cold. is this okay for it? as in staying inside without mum or brother and in a cardboard box in our living room. it cheeps so much though, and im worried the mum and brother might begin to ignore it and become distant from it.

Why is it unable to regulate temperature? its brother is fine in the rain and cold.
In my experience the small ones either make it or don't, maybe you could put a small 40wbulb in a corner in there for her with some holes for ventilation? If she doesn't do regular chicken stuff she wont develop socially. If she's still that small she'll likely need high 80's heat until she either grows or dies from lack of growth.
Can you isolate the mum somewhat? This way the wee chick won't get pecked by other chickens and he/she would be easily able to keep up with the hen. Give her enough food that she doesn't have to forage and she will stop longer.
In my experience the small ones either make it or don't, maybe you could put a small 40wbulb in a corner in there for her with some holes for ventilation? If she doesn't do regular chicken stuff she wont develop socially. If she's still that small she'll likely need high 80's heat until she either grows or dies from lack of growth.
thank you very very much ill do that
for the bulb, will it be too bright for her if its 60w or something.
the cardboard box is like 1 foot wide (there was no bigger one unfortunately) is that fine for her? she is still really tiny so she can run in it a little.
Can you isolate the mum somewhat? This way the wee chick won't get pecked by other chickens and he/she would be easily able to keep up with the hen. Give her enough food that she doesn't have to forage and she will stop longer.
the mum and babies are inside a coop and run protected from the other chickens. the mum is however desperate to get out to the rest of the chickens and kicks the baby aside whilst she's trying to get out. the coop is from online and I know it is not big enough for her, but it was just fine when they were smaller. food is always available inside the coop, but because the coop is a little small, whenever im eating dinner or breakfast or just in the garden, I try let the mama and her babies as much as possible.

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