Rural king baby chicks


Apr 10, 2016
Clarksville, TN
Rural king had some baby chicks for sale today there wasnt a breed listed and when we asked noone knew what they were. My sister ended up buying some.

I originally thought they were black copper marans but they dont have feathered feet. Some have yellow dots on thier head and some are all black. Some have yellow on the bellies too. They have black beaks and black and yellow mixed legs and feet. Im thinking barred rocks but idk. Can anyone identity these, and tell me how to sex them based on the yellow dots on thier heads?


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With black sex-links, the white spot on the head denotes a male. I'm sure others will be along to help you out further.
They may not be the same breed. Feed stores often dump many unknowns into one bin.

Royal King and TSC are notorious for mixing their bins. (Seriously, who orders something and sets it out without having any idea? Oh yeah, these guys do).

The ones with the white dot on head, if light yellow skin and black front leg wash, may be Barred Rocks....possibly could be male BSL's.

However, the sole chick you show, is not a Barred Rock, but it might be a BSL.

If it has yellow foot pads, it might be a Jersey Giant.

Marans do not have to have leg feathers (American style does not only French), but they do have white/pink skin...not yellow.

Really hard to know at this time with lack of any context, or good photos of each chick, as so many chicks can look similar.

Time will tell.

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Thank you for that information. I was leaning towards the Barred Rocks but then i seen somewere online where they have colored beaks not black, now I am leaning more towords a Black Australorp. I do plan on calling the store tomorow and speaking to the manager though!
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I have been lucky here. The people in the stores here know what chickens they have. I am the one that has to write down the name then go look them up later :) they have not given me the wrong information on breed yet.
I called today and speaked with the manager, who actually laughed when i told her that one of her associates said 10 black chickens, I didnt think it was funny, but she was able to say that they were all barred rocks, she ordered them herself, so mystery solved. Thanks guys!
I called today and speaked with the manager, who actually laughed when i told her that one of her associates said 10 black chickens, I didnt think it was funny, but she was able to say that they were all barred rocks, she ordered them herself, so mystery solved. Thanks guys!
With all due respect, they can't all be Barred Rocks, since some are pure black. Some (with white on their heads) may be Barred Rocks, or the manager might be wrong, and they could all be Black Sex-links (some male, some female). Or perhaps the hatchery threw some extra chicks (Australorps, Black Sex-links, etc.) in with Rural King's Barred Rock order.

As they get older, we should be able to more accurately determine their breed(s) and genders.

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