Russian Orloffs

Ha ha ha! I love it! Ruffians orloffs is what we should call them. I would like to be part of the breeders club or at least be able to see the site when it goes up. Do I leave my email with someone for updates?

Just to start, I have some coming from Purely Poultry (with no known background) and then some fertile eggs coming from someone else whom I feel is a reputable breeder. How does everyone here keep tabs on their chickens and the generations that follow? Is there a standard to prevent inbreeding?
Hi, I recently hatched out 2 orloff chicks, they are bantams and got them from someone off BYC that was at a show. I posted somewhere else and someone said that true Orloffs are not bantams. I don't know much about the breed yet, but that confuses me a bit since only bantams are accepted to show. Does that mean only standards are true to the breed?

This is about 2 days after they hatched

Think this was about a week later? not sure

And what I took today. They are almost 2 months I think now..

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Ha ha ha! I love it! Ruffians orloffs is what we should call them. I would like to be part of the breeders club or at least be able to see the site when it goes up. Do I leave my email with someone for updates?

Just to start, I have some coming from Purely Poultry (with no known background) and then some fertile eggs coming from someone else whom I feel is a reputable breeder. How does everyone here keep tabs on their chickens and the generations that follow? Is there a standard to prevent inbreeding?

Furryloo, just go the link in my siggie and join up on the forums and you can find the website here
Perhaps they mean that Bantam Orloffs are not TRUE bantams? They are simply miniaturized Orloffs, and yes, currently the only kind of Orloff with an accepted standard in the US.

The ORIGINAL Orloff is a standard sized bird.
Perhaps they mean that Bantam Orloffs are not TRUE bantams? They are simply miniaturized Orloffs, and yes, currently the only kind of Orloff with an accepted standard in the US.

The ORIGINAL Orloff is a standard sized bird.

This is what they said "True Orloffs are not bantams. They are a standard breed."
I read more info, so I understand a bit more that they were standards and then bred smaller. So if you want to perserve the breed does it matter what size you chose to keep up the breed? Since the bantams would have to of come from the standards right?
I just candled my Orloff eggs that have been cooking for a week. They're all clear

I've never actually seen the roo "doing the deed", and now I know why- because he's not!

This is so dissappointing because I have heard repeatedly how their laying drops off considerably after the first year. I hope he gets his act together soon. Right now the hen is laying 4- 5 eggs a week, which I think is pretty decent. Oh well. Going to give it a month and try again.
we had like 10 eggs to start with and only 2 hatched, one died in the shell, because it was a small egg :\\
Hope your next batch works out!
Yeah- the eggs are not big. They look just like my salmon faverolles eggs- small and chalky, tinted. I guess I won't bother with the ameraucana eggs from the girl that's in with them for a while either.

I shouldn't complain- I have so many other fertile eggs right now my head is spinning as to what to hatch.

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