Sacramento Winters


5 Years
Feb 27, 2019
Hey there, I'm a new to raising chickens. This is my first winter with chickens, which are about 7mos. I have two, a Plymouth Rock and a Leghorn, Judy and Cooper. Do I need to provide heat for them? They do roost in a enclosed coop and they have a covered run. Thank you for your time reading my post.
Welcome to BYC!

Judy and Cooper will be fine. My chickens have happily waited out blizzards in an unheated coop.

The reason you don't want to heat your coop is they may not put on the necessary fat and feathers necessary to keep themselves warm if they were to venture outside or if you were to lose heat. There's also the risk of fire when heating a coop.

You may be tempted to completely close up the coop (God knows I was my girls' first winter). If you do winterize the coop, make sure you leave plenty of ventilation. Lack of ventilation is worse for them than lack of heat.
This is my coop the first winter before we got the exterior finished.
About 18 chickens in there.
No heet.
Everybody was fine.

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