
In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2020
This is Gertrude. About a week old. She was our biggest, healthiest, happiest chick. A couple days ago she started her distress chirp. I went to her and she was not ok. She died within an hour. She was panting, gasping and obviously in distress. She was limp, in and out of consciousness, hard belly, wouldn't drink, seemed soothed with belly rubs. At first we thought she was too hot, but that was not the case. Temp in the brooder is kept between 90-100 farenheit. Always monitored with a thermometer. Water and food always available. We use metzer vitamin water. We give a small amount of Brewers yeast for niacin. Protein from feed is 18%.
My 2 best theories is botulism or waterlogging. When we ordered her, she came with 3 other ducklings. They came 2 days late, one of the chicks was DOA, stuff and already stinking. Which is where my botulism theory comes from.
She had a small, shallow bath in Tupperware a few hours before she died. She was extremely enthusiastic, so I think maybe waterlogging?
We also took her outside for the first time because it was so hot and nice outside.
We did not seperated her from her brace, she did not show any signs of distress while outside or immediately after.
After she died, I felt around her neck area and couldn't find any blockages. Her brooder is indoors. Her water is deep enough to wash her nostrils.
We are very sad about this.
These are my very first ducklings and I'm scared I might had done something wrong.
None of the other ducklings have gotten sick or showed signs of distress other than looking for Gerdy. I did show them her body so they would know she is dead. We cleaned all of the duck stuff after Gerdy died.
90-100 is too warm for week old ducklings they should be at 85-90 depending on breed. Pekin seem to do better at the low end of the temp they over heat easier. Smaller breeds around 90 but each week after the first week the temp should be lowered 5*. I have no idea what may have killed her. A necropsy would give you a diagnosis. She may have just had failure to thrive. Very sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear this. Yes, ducklings are usually bulletproof. They don't need to swim right away even if the weather is fine. Your feed is lower in protein than my go-to Du-Mor. Sometimes we do the best we can and the little creatures still get sick or hurt and die. So sorry. Tomorrow will be better.

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