Safe outside weather for mamma hen and 5-6 day old chicks?


Jan 17, 2020
South West Australia
I just wanted to check with more experienced peeps before moving my mamma hen and her 5 and 6 day old chicks back outside.
I moved them inside initially to make mamma hen stay on her pipping eggs she kept abandoning. The following several days have been very cold and wet.
I have a rent inspection tomorrow and kind of need to move them out to clean, but I'm worried its too cold.
Here is the forecast for my area for the next few days.

Today: min 9 °C tonight, max 14 °C, scattered showers, 26km/h wind
Tomorrow: min 7 °C overnight, max 17 °C, mostly sunny, 16km/h wind
Wednesday: min 6 °C overnight, max 18 °C, partly cloudy, 16 km/h wind
Thursday: min 10 °C overnight, max 17 °C, partly cloudy, 32 km/h wind
Friday/Sat/Mon will be wet, Sunday possibly wet.

Mama and bubs will be in this exact model of coop, with the back against a tall solid fence.

I don't want my chickies to get cold. Mama is a frizzle and has had trouble staying warm without the other chooks to snuggle with. We had a very warm late winter then this trash weather all spring so far. It was so wet last night, I got soaked when I put the other chooks to bed (more just close and lock the door lol, they spent all day inside out of the rain).

Should I move them outside or just put them in there for my inspection tomorrow then bring them back inside? I could move the coop back into the main coop, I moved it outside to prevent the other hens bothering broody mama (and because they decided to perch on IT instead of their perches and it was covered in poop).
Thank you ^-^
I moved the villa coop into the main henhouse (its a converted shed) and it was probably a good idea. Not 5 minutes after I put mama and chicks back in it started bucketing down XD

Its really fun watching the other hens meet the chicks (through sturdy wire!). Butter in particular is fascinated. Mama hen seems happy, rooster is exited to see his favourite again. Mama hen is trying to teach babies how to use the ramp already.

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