Safety hole but chick is moving


Jul 1, 2021
On day 23 of hatching shipped eggs. 9 of 15 that went into lockdown have hatched. I have had two pip at the wrong end and die in the shell. I have one egg left that appeared to have life with candling but wasn’t really moving. I could just see breathing?? I put a safety hole in the air cell end and found there to still be lots of blood vessels in the membrane. I put the egg back in the bator. So my question is should I try to cover the hole or just leave it? The humidity is at 79% the membrane is white. I can still she the chick breathing and moving every now and then. Any advice on where to go from here? I did not feel a beak at the membrane and it does have a saddle cell. I have also read the guide for assisted hatching and know it’s too soon to do anything because of the blood vessels

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