Salmon pink mucus in week old chick's poop


Mar 18, 2017
Telemark Norway
Hi there, first let me apologize if this isn't an "Emergency" -- I don't know if it is or isn't so I'm being cautious.

I've just brought home 3 new week old Welsummer chicks. They are eating and moving about but I have just witnessed the male poop and it looked odd. Photos below of the male's poop which had some "salmon pink" color mucus like bits in with the green solids.

This is the first time I've seen anything even remotely abnormal in poop. I am very new to birds , is it possible he's just got a scratch inside some where or is this from stress, or is it something potentially life threatening? I would like to avoid the vet, I've only just come back from the vet because the cat got bitten by an Adder. ($400)

Details of the last 24hrs:
The journey was about 2hrs for them yesterday. We stopped after an hour and made them drink as it was quite hot.They have had their beaks dipped in the water when put in the brooder and I've observed them eating yesterday night and today. I made them scrambled egg and broke it into tiny bits. They've been given grit. They are on pine shavings.

They're in quarantine in a separate building and at least 20 meters from my 6 week old flock. I'm changing my footwear and washing my hands before going from one to the other.
Sometimes it can be normal for them to pass some intestinal shed in their droppings. At a week old, coccidiosis usually is not a problem yet, but it can become one in another couple of weeks. Can you try to locate some amprollium in your country? It can be called Amprol, Coxoid, and in the US it can be called Corid or Ampromed. It will treat all strains of coccidia in chicks. If you see more of these droppings or sleepy chicks standing off to themselves or not eating, then I would start treatment for them. Hopefully, it is just a passing thing from stress.
Sometimes it can be normal for them to pass some intestinal shed in their droppings. At a week old, coccidiosis usually is not a problem yet, but it can become one in another couple of weeks. Can you try to locate some amprollium in your country? It can be called Amprol, Coxoid, and in the US it can be called Corid or Ampromed. It will treat all strains of coccidia in chicks. If you see more of these droppings or sleepy chicks standing off to themselves or not eating, then I would start treatment for them. Hopefully, it is just a passing thing from stress.

I will order some. Thank you. I'm checking on them pretty regularly.
Thanks for the update. Hopefully they will become more friendly as they get older. Most of my different breeds never cared for being handled, but would come around more with occasional treats.

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