Salmonella from Estes Hatchery chickens- Is there a way to cure the chickens?


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
Blue Ridge, TX
I have celiac's disease, and my stomach has been a mess, so I just assumed I ate something with gluten in it. Then, because it has been so bad, hubby said, "umm, it was on the news that Estes Hatchery is having a problem with salmonella, and I wonder if that is what is going on with you." I told him he was joking, but he was not. My chickens are from Estes.

soooooooo..... now what? If they were on medicated feed right until I switched them to layer, would that take care of it? I am still not convinced this is not from my celiac's, but I want to be informed. I tried to research it online, and I saw that the hatcheries kill the birds. That seems extreme. I won't kill my chickens because it would devastate me. I always wash my hands after caring for them. Just not sure what is going on. Advice please, is there a way to treat the chickens?
I have no experience with salmonella, but my bottle of Sumlet says it can be used to treat it.
You may can use Corrid, but i have no experience with that medication.
Thank you. I think I will get some and treat everyone just in case. I am really hoping that it is just my celiac's because we did eat out Friday night, and that is always a gamble for me. My recently adopted hens have had some pretty loose stools since I got them, so it would not hurt them either. Is the dosage for that on the bottle? Can I get it at the farm supply?

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