
I live in Ohio its been on the news all day. I bought 9 chicks 5 weeks ago. I spoke to someone at my healthy it seems chickens are carriers and if you do not take the proper steps around chickens anyone could get it. Chickens poop it out when they are stressed

The Chicken Whisperer
7 hrs ·

SPECIAL SALMONELLA BROADCAST! This Monday, May 12th, at 2:00pm EST, I will have a special "LIVE" broadcast regarding this national Salmonella outbreak. My special guests will be, Dr. Casey Barton Behravesh, MS, DVM, DrPH, DACVPM, Deputy Branch Chief for the Outbreak Response and Prevention Branch at the CDC; Dr. Brigid McCrea, PhD, poultry scientist, professor, and poultry extension small flock specialist; Peter Brown, aka The Chicken Doctor, and founder of, First State Vet Supply; and I have an invitation still pending from Dr. Maurice Pitesky, DVM, MPVM, DACVPM from UC Davis University in California. This panel of poultry experts will not only be explaining everything you need to know about the current outbreak and Salmonella treatment and prevention, but also what to do if you have a batch of chicks or chickens from this hatchery. We will also be taking your "LIVE" phone calls! I will post how to listen "LIVE" starting Sunday afternoon. Hope you can make it
I guess i am still trying to figure out what to do. Is there treatment for salmonella for chicks like probiotics or something. I have kids and although I try to be deligent in hand washing and not kissing chickens it is not always possible for me to know if my children do it everytime. I am trying to find out about testing. It seems there should be some kind of treatment to get rid of the infection in the chickens if they have it
That is my plan bit what I am ready seems to imply they would have it for life. Will antibiotics really get rid of it. I have to find a vet that treats chickens.
That is my plan bit what I am ready seems to imply they would have it for life. Will antibiotics really get rid of it. I have to find a vet that treats chickens.

I'm not an expert and it would be best to consult a vet who'll advise you about chickens. They don't need to see the chicken, just the fecal sample, so it shouldn't cost too much. I think salmonella is like lots of bacteria in the human and animal (sorry said that wrong, humans are animals) gut. Small amounts are often there and cause no harm, large amounts can make you sick.

But your chicks might not have salmonella at all. You could test for peace of mind, or you could give antibiotics for even more peace of mind. Then yogurt to restore intestinal peace of ?

Sometimes if you google salmonella and chickens there's just a lot of culling talk. But if you google salmonella and parrots for instance or cutesy budgies there's a lot more information about treatments.
Great idea! I'll research what they recommend for other types of birds and go from there.
thought I would pass this info along. If you don't yet know who the Chicken whisperer is, among his many credentials he is the national spokesman for USDA biosecurity program.

If you go to his FB page you can find a link to the archive copy of his live program yesterday with several expert guests discussing the salmonella outbreak. (or if you click on the "more" underneath the Chicken Whisperer pic at the bottom, it will take you right to his page where he has posted several good info pieces on this )

The Chicken Whisperer
6 hrs ·

SALMONELLA OUTBREAK UPDATE: Many of you have posted questions asking why Mt. Healthy Hatchery has not been shut down, or why they are still being allowed to ship chicks. After talking with the CDC again this morning, I still don't have a good answer to those questions, but it has come to my attention I need to clarify something for my followers and fans. Mt Healthy Hatchery is NPIP certified, (National Poultry Improvement Plan) and participates in the NPIP program as posted on their website. As far as I know, the outsource breeders/hatcheries they use to fulfill orders are also NPIP certified, but I can't prove this. The issue is that the current NPIP program does NOT require testing for any Salmonella strains that affect humans, only chickens. Every state's NPIP program is different. For example, some states test for AI (Avian Influenza) and some don't. At a minimum, NPIP tests for Pullorum and Typhoid. Also, many that participate in the NPIP program only get tested once a year. Some however get tested every 90 days. There is always the chance that your birds get tested clean one day, and then get the disease the next day, and you won't know for another 364 days, until they are tested again. It is not a perfect program, but we all know nothing is perfect. The CDC has been working on a new NPIP Plus program which does included testing for Salmonella that can affect humans, but it has not yet been launched. Many hatcheries across the nation voluntarily test for strains of Salmonella that can affect humans, but it's not required under the current NPIP program. They are just going above and beyond the required testing to ensure a safer product. So, while I do not know the actual cause/source of this particular outbreak, and some information is either "need to know" or "classified", one might say that Mt Healthy Hatchery has broken no laws, and is participating in programs like NPIP that help ensure a safer product. Could they voluntarily do more? Apparently, but it's not required by law. This is my general understanding based on the information I have been given. I hope this helps you have a better understanding as well. I will keep you posted as more information becomes available. CW
The Chicken Whisperer

20 hours ago

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