Salsa recipe


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
upstate NY
I tried the search engine, but nothing camr up..

So, does anyone have a great salsa recipe, maybe for canning..
I have made this several times and you can vary the heat by the amount of hot peppers you put in

3 quarts chopped tomatoes ( use a coarse chop because we like it chunky)
3 cups chopped onions
6 Jalapeno peppers seeded and finely chopped ( vary as you like it)
4 Long green chili peppers seeded and chopped ( the more the hotter)
4 cloves finely chopped garlic
2-12oz. cans tomato paste
2 cups bottled lemon juice
1 Tblsp salt
1 Tblsp sugar
1tblsp ground cumin (optional)
2 tblsp oregano leaves (optional
1 tsp. black pepper

Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring entire salsa to a boil. Stir occasionally. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 min. stirring occasionally. Ladle hot salsa in hot sterilized pint jars leaving 1/2 inch head space. Adjust lids and leave on counter til they seal. You can also put them into boiling water bath for about 10 minutes if you wish.
Yield= I got about 6-7 pints.
this sounds perfect...
can i put this into bigger jars as well?

My toms are just starting to ripen.
I printed it out...

Thank you
That recipe sound in Texas we use fresh cilantro more often than the oregano in salsa so if you want to try that instead of the oregano. I love cilantro! Fresh lime is also good.
Hi Melinda-- Sorry to be so slow to get back to you about the larger jars. You certainly can!! What ever size works for you. There are only 2 of us so the pints work the best. Got a spaghetti sauce recipe today to try. Haven't done it yet because it needs at least 1.1/2 bushel of tomatoes.
Here is the recipe for my Salsa :

6 - Jalapino peppers
6 - Good size limes
6 - big tomatoes ( juicy if available )
1 - nice bunch of cilantro
1 - good size white onion
4 - 5 nice size garlic cloves
( can't get to much )
2 - rounded tablespoons of raw sugar
1 - tablespoon of black pepper
1 - tablespoon of kosher salt
1 - large bowl

Juice the limes first then add the sugar, salt and pepper . Next mince the cilantro and put it in the bowl and then mince (or fine chop ) the garlic and add it to the bowl . Fine chop the jalapinos making sure to remove the core first , leave as many seeds as you like it to be hot . Chop the seeds with the jalapinos and add them to the bowl , next fine chop the onion and all the tomatoes ,
Mix well and cover . Let set in the fridge over night then ...ENJOY ...

If you taste it right away be assured that it will cool down some after it sets overnight in the fridge.

This is the recipe that we have passed down through the years, and the best I have had to date. OK, so I am a little prejudice.

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