Samoyed dogs


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Does anyone have them I really like them and would love to learn more about them.
Heavy-coated dog that requires a lot of brushing. They were used to pull sleds and herd reindeer. The ones I've known tended to bark a lot, and were hyper active.
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I have had a couple in training and both were mild mannered and sweet dogs. They did need a lot of exercise and coat care to keep them looking nice. But the people who have them love and adore them, so it all just depends what you want.

Look up the national or state Samoyed club. They surely have a website.
Like most nordic breeds they can have very high prey drive with very little impulse control, so if you have chickens, get them used them them at a young age. Lots of obedience. If you don't mind the coat and can give them a job, they can be great dogs.
I grew up with a samoyed that was great besides the prey drive and stubborness.My parents have another one now that is a witch. They are very stubborn and dominant which is typical of the northern breeds. They have no problem telling you that they have had enough of whatever your doing
had a mix w/golden... still stuborn, preferred to be outside especially in winter time, he'd curl up outside and sleep in the snow rather than his house.
I have had 3 over the course of my life. They are great dogs. We always had them to keep critters out of the yard. They are excellent watch dogs but only for animals, not people. They would help a robber carry your stuff out haha. They do bark alot. But it does keep the animals out if you don't mind the barking.

They do require alot of up keep(hair wise). Ours only stayed outside and never came indoors. In recent year my mother got soft and let them spend the night in the basement, which ultimatley defeats the purpose of keeping the critters out. Lots of bathes and brushing. Very thick hair and they shed alot. We should shave ours in the summer. We also found they really didnt like coming inside because they would get too hot.

We have always only had females, we never cared for the males. They have a different coat(more stringy and not as attractive) and personality wise the females seem to be more personable.

Overall they are an extremely sweet dog, good with other animals(as long as they are yours! and not wild) and kids. They will hunt and kill things that do not belong in your yard as a warning. We had one that would fish when it flooded and would actually catch fish (wading of course, they CAN NOT swim) Would tree raccoons until my dad would come and shoot them, she literally would stay there and wait for the raccoon to fall out of the tree and wouldnt budge until she had him. Muskrats, beavers, squirrels, and SKUNKS!! You name is she killed it. We also had one that LOVED vegtables, we had our fields farmed, and she would come back with corn, green peppers, cucumbers. Eat them on the lawn, she actually would peel the husk away from the corn and only eat the kernals and not the core, it always looked like a person had been eating corn on the lawn, same with the green peppers, everything but the seeds and the stem. She was a great dog.
I had a male samoyed years ago. He was a great dog! Very stubborn, of course! But, I gave him lots a training as a real young pup and he was very obedient most of the time. I used to show horses and he was always at the barn with me and loved trail rides. He was a little hyper until he was about 3, but I definitely wouldn't call him too high energy. He was just such a sweet, intelligent dog. Plus he would let me dress him up! I'm actually looking at a picture I have of him on my wall wearing my riding boots and a cowboy hat. I taught him a lot of tricks too. He learned very quickly. He lived to be 12 yrs old. He was not a barker. I think you just need to find a good, reputable breeder.

We did adopt a female when he was about two years old and ended up giving her to a family with a ranch because she was too hyper and very difficult to train. The difference in them was night and day! My male we got from a small local breeder who owned both his parents as their family pets. The female we adopted from another family that lived in a condo with no yard. We thought a house would be better for her. We were wrong! She did do well on the ranch though! I'm not sure where she came from originally.
Thanks for everything. Do anyone of you go dog sleding with your samoyed? Or herd sheep? Or hunt with them?
Brindlebtch: I looked at a few of those websites

So what I get is this: They need early and lots of training, they need a job to do, they love it outside, they love people and they love to hunt.

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