Sams Club Feed

Oh neat! I didn't know Sams had chicken food! Now I know Wal-mart has some close to me, but not all of them carry it
I bought a bag from WalMart and it looked like bird seed to me, mostly cracked corn. I didn't check the protien amounts and ended up using it for the wild birds. It was about $7.00 for a 50 lb. pag. When I go back I'll check the protien % and decide then if it's a good thing. I'm new to the chicken world and wasn't aware that the protien amount was important.
I have bought the walmart stuff, it has a strange smell to it, kind of a chemical smell. I never ended up using it, i took it back and went to fleet farm. I imagine sams club's is the same brand walmart carries altho the sams here doesn't carry chicken feed
The Sams Club feed is a crumble. From the looks of it less than 1% is visible pieces of corn. I will have to look at the protein content since I am due to pick up another bag this week.
The melamine thing does have me pretty scared. I used to buy organic feed only but it got too flipping expensive this past year. I buy Blue Seal, which is local (New England, anyway, not ALL that local) and I figure that is better than big box stores, which are certainly cheap but may not have the ethics to fully vet their suppliers . . .

Anybody out there who's actually done any legwork on the melamine thing?
Now that I think of it, I wouldn't buy any of that cheap feed from Walmart or the like for fear that is is from China. I'll stick to my local feed and grain. I eat quality food, my kitties eat quality food, why would I want my chooks to eat anything less? I want quality eggs from them!

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