Sapphire Chickens


Dec 2, 2015
Mt. Carmel, TN
I recently read a UK blog post about a crested cream legbar roo and White leghorn hen cross called a Sapphire. According to the post these birds lay a blue egg and have high production. Has anyone raised any? Anyone have any photos of the grown birds or their eggs? The blog didnt have any photos and when you google sapphire chicken you dont get many relevant results.
Yes i thought so too or maybe a little more creamier colored, also dont know how old pictured birds are but if they are full size they are definitely smaller and not meat birds, i am curious to see these super blue eggs though!
Me too, I've been searching but so far I've only found photos of eggs from birds with Amercauna or EE mixed in as well as the CCL and leghorn.
I think @R2elk in Wyoming has them....seems to me I remember being offered some hatching eggs next time I'm in his area....super nice person, as all of us here in Wyoming are!
You can either go to the Wyoming Unite thread by doing a search for it in the bar, or just PM....pretty prompt at responding.
Check with username DMRippy. I though she kind of started that trend here in the states a few years ago, and she's located in the south, not sure if she's close to you or not.

I do think this cross has saved the lives of many a CCL rooster that otherwise would have been culled!

I have a blue barred blue egger rooster I've put over some Leghorn hens. Chicks are still littles yet, so no results on egg production. But I'll be hatching more of them this year. He's not crested, so I don't get that cute factor, but if the offspring churn out eggs like a Leghorn, but the blue color, they should be hugely popular.

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