Scabs on rooster's hocks


5 Years
Jul 25, 2018
Southern California
I have a ~2-year-old Rhode Island Red rooster who has some very peculiar scabs on the front of both hocks. It looks like something injured it (though I can't imagine what) and now they won't heal over. They are slightly swollen around the area and he has had them for at least 2 months without much change. They don't affect his walking but you can tell it's painful to the touch because he will jerk his leg. Not sure if this is related but if you look in the photos his spurs are also kind of 'flaky' - something I haven't seen in my other roosters. The scabs are only on the front of the hock.

What could this be caused by and how would I treat it? Advice is much appreciated. Photos are attached.


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Does he have any lice or mites?

I would swab the scabs with Chlorhexidine once a day, see if that helps them heal up and dry out.
He doesn't have any on his body, but the whole flock did have scaly leg mites a couple of months ago that I treated with Ivermectin. (His scales are beginning to flake but are not yet smooth). None of my other birds have these scabs.

Thanks for your advice.

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