Scaly Leg Mites


8 Years
Nov 13, 2011
I think my chickens have them. I'm really sad and I was puting vaseline on their toes for a few days then I found this scaly leg mite medicine spray stuff at the feed store so I've been using that.
Is there anything else I can do? And how do I for sure know that's what this is? One of the hens is limping. Her right foot is whats hurt. Can scaly leg mites cause that?
I feel so terrible for not have noticing it earlier. Please help!
Thank you
My chickens had that a while ago. I bathed their feet and put vasaline on them. It also helps to keep them from scratching in hay.
Thanks for the links and the help.

How come no hay? That is there bedding. Should I just have them go without bedding until this all clears up?
Hay was a problem for my chickens. I don't exactly know why but the mites were at their worst when I had hay.
I thought one of my hens had bumblefoot and treated it with an antibiotic spray. This didn't help any and now that I've searched the sight a bit I realise that she most likely has scaly leg mites! This has been going on for some time and I feel bad not figuring it out sooner. Fortunately it doesn't seem to have spread to the rest of the flock. I had to treat the hens with a powder for mites which I've also put in their bedding. Hopefully this has kept the leg mites at bay. I'll be treating her with oil tonight! What exactly does the vaseline/oil do to the mites? Should I treat the others as well just in case?
I would treat the others just in case Momhen, they might just not have it as bad or something.
From my understanding, the oil and vasseline helps suffocate that mites so they'll die. But you keep doing it so that when the eggs hatch those mites will be suffocated too.
Thanks for the info. Hens are all mite free. I now put a bit of the mite powder in their bedding as a preventative measure for mites of any kind.

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