Scare crow


11 Years
Mar 24, 2009
I was curious if anyone has tried a fake human to deter hawks. Maybe a stupid question but I am curious to know if anyone has tried making a dummy. Hawks move on when I am in the yard. They don't stay around long once they spot me. Let me know if you have any thoughts on the subject. Be kind.
Not sure if it would deter hawks. Maybe if you moved it around a lot and they wouldnt get used to it in the same place. We have a scarecrow only to gratify DH's Halloween fetish.
Yeah, makes sense in theory, problem is they realize very quickly that the "human" isn't moving and learn that it's no threat to them. Maybe one of those motion activated halloween characters they are selling now (or soon will be).
Well, actually that is what I thought about is a moving dummy of some kind. Or move it myself every day or so. I know they are smart so it stands to reason they may not chance it b/c they are so smart.
Seriously, I can't find the web source now, but there was either an article or a forum discussion about attracting crows by feeding them dog kibbles, and since crows are very defensive about their territory to hawks would always chase off the area hawks. I have watched crows many times mob a hawk or owl and drive it off. Just a weird thought today, one of many.
we have crows around and they don't go near the chickens.. but the hawks will grab a chicken not more than a couple of feet from you. don't think a scarecrow will work if they are that brave to attack next to you.

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