Exactly! The foxes were actually brought up to the U.S, the British hunted them. They are not native here! Why on earth is it okay for them to destroy nature in the U.S when they were not here forever!

I hate finding dove feathers right by the barn door!
I get so mad! That is how close they are!! :(

Yep, we have fox, coyote, fisher, mink weasel, owls, coons. By far the worst predator for my flock is hawk. They are brazen, have no fear, have sat in the trees taunting me. I have been required to redo my entire poultry management style b/c of the hawks. We also have mountain lion here, neighbor has footage of one on his property. An other neighbor had a face to face encounter with one about 10 years ago. Though if you ask any of our wildlife management folks, they will tell you that there are no mountain lions in Maine. Hogwash. They simply don't want to fess up to it, b/c then they will be required to "manage it."
Yep, we have fox, coyote, fisher, mink weasel, owls, coons. By far the worst predator for my flock is hawk. They are brazen, have no fear, have sat in the trees taunting me. I have been required to redo my entire poultry management style b/c of the hawks. We also have mountain lion here, neighbor has footage of one on his property. An other neighbor had a face to face encounter with one about 10 years ago. Though if you ask any of our wildlife management folks, they will tell you that there are no mountain lions in Maine. Hogwash. They simply don't want to fess up to it, b/c then they will be required to "manage it."
Yep, we have fox, coyote, fisher, mink weasel, owls, coons. By far the worst predator for my flock is hawk. They are brazen, have no fear, have sat in the trees taunting me. I have been required to redo my entire poultry management style b/c of the hawks. We also have mountain lion here, neighbor has footage of one on his property. An other neighbor had a face to face encounter with one about 10 years ago. Though if you ask any of our wildlife management folks, they will tell you that there are no mountain lions in Maine. Hogwash. They simply don't want to fess up to it, b/c then they will be required to "manage it."
I had half of my flock wiped out by Fishers or minks, but I never found them, so I really don't know.
Exactly! The foxes were actually brought up to the U.S, the British hunted them. They are not native here! Why on earth is it okay for them to destroy nature in the U.S when they were not here forever!

I hate finding dove feathers right by the barn door!
I get so mad! That is how close they are!! :(

Foxes AREN'T NATIVE TO MAINE?!I didn't know that!
There have been a very bold pack of yotes around here.... absolutely NO WHERE near Maine, BUT. :p
They were attacking the neighbors GOATS, two houses down from us last week..... GRRRRRR I need my own gun so bad. :mad:
Exactly! The foxes were actually brought up to the U.S, the British hunted them. They are not native here! Why on earth is it okay for them to destroy nature in the U.S when they were not here forever!

While some red foxes were imported, the species was already native to parts North America when the British arrived. Genetic tests have proved the populations that now exist where they had not historically been before are due to natural range expansion of native foxes.
I live in Maine and it's not just coyotes who are brazen. Took this yesterday at the edge of my yard @14:20 my chicken and ducks were all out as was my granddaughter. Solid looking at me for a good 2minutes.
Keesmom is right that fox are native.

Both the red and gray fox in my neighborhood are SO brazen! They walk the roads as if they own them, play in my yard while I'm out and aren't at all phased by me chasing or clapping at them! They just sit and stare at me.

I have yet to see a coyote or a coy-wolf (or whatever they are calling it), but it scares me! I don't think the fox would bother my goats, but something larger might. Bobcats have been spotted in my town.

Besides fox, I have seen in my yard fisher, mink, racoon, owls and hawks.
We have red and silver foxes, raccoons, opossum, coyote, hawks, owls, eagles for predators. I have various caliber rifles to deter the four legs, the hawks and eagles are my spirit animals and the eagles are bald eagles so the winged ones are protected.

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