scissor beak and water nipples


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
I have an Ameraucana roo who has a fairly bad case of scissor beak/cross beak. It's trauma induced, and my fault, and of course he's the sweetest of the surviving babies from The Great Prolonged Kill. I'm going to be switching over to nipple waterers and this autofeed system-
I think he should be able to handle the food, but I don't know about the waterer. Does any one here have experience with this?
I had a scissor beaked hen. She did just fine after she joined the flock. After awhile when her bottom jaw was completely to the side i did have to supply her with a deeper dish to eat out of, but otherwise ok. Your waterer I can't say for sure, but would think he'd just bump it with his top beak?

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