Scratch and Peck chick starter and grit ratios


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2021
Hi all, I have just switch my 8 chicks (about 4 or 5 days old) to Scratch and Peck's chick starter and grit because I was sick of the pasty butt and watery stool the processed food was causing and much prefer to give my animals real food. I mixed 2 cups of food with 1 tablespoon of grit to start. I am having a really hard time finding any info on how much to give, how often etc. The website says to sprinkle on their food or leave it in a separate dish. I made the mistake of reading an article on how a woman's chick ate way too much grit and died an unpleasant death. So, now I am paranoid. These are my first chickens. Any suggestions would really be appreciated, especially from those that use this feed for their chicks! Thank you!
I don't measure out grit for chicks, but I do put it on their food. A pinch on top every couple of days is plenty.

Once they're old enough to move to larger grit I stop adding it to the feed and offer it in a container in the coop.

Also, consider fermenting or wetting your S&P feed. Chickens are prone to picking out favorite bits of feed from whole grain mixes, so by serving it wet it encourages them to eat everything, especially the powdered fines that contain protein and vitamins.
I don't measure out grit for chicks, but I do put it on their food. A pinch on top every couple of days is plenty.

Once they're old enough to move to larger grit I stop adding it to the feed and offer it in a container in the coop.

Also, consider fermenting or wetting your S&P feed. Chickens are prone to picking out favorite bits of feed from whole grain mixes, so by serving it wet it encourages them to eat everything, especially the powdered fines that contain protein and vitamins.
Thank you! That is really helpful. I have a jar of the S&P fermenting in my cabinet. I checked it this morning and all the water had been absorbed so I added more and stirred. Is that correct? So far they seem to like this food so much better even before trying fermented. The food they have had the last 24 hours has been 2 cups of food to 1 tablespoon of grit. Should I give them some food without grit the next day or two? Thanks for your help!
Thank you! That is really helpful. I have a jar of the S&P fermenting in my cabinet. I checked it this morning and all the water had been absorbed so I added more and stirred. Is that correct? So far they seem to like this food so much better even before trying fermented. The food they have had the last 24 hours has been 2 cups of food to 1 tablespoon of grit. Should I give them some food without grit the next day or two? Thanks for your help!

I don't offer grit daily to chicks since it shouldn't pass through their system that quickly so no real need for constant intake (adult chickens at least, will hold on to grit in their gizzards until it's worn down and smooth before excreting it, so it could be in there for weeks, maybe more?)

I do a "lazy" ferment. Water and feed in a food safe container, stir it all in, sit at least 24 hrs and start serving. I don't add additional water after that, unless it's too dry and thick. Depending on temperature, for my climate I find that 1/2" to 1" of water over the ferment is enough to make a very thick consistency feed with no excess water on top (and no extra water needed) in 24 hrs.
When you say you prefer to offer your chicks real food are you meaning that the food you're offering is whole grain instead of a crumble type feed?

Do you realize that by giving your birds a whole grain type feed they have the option to pick and choose which grain they want to eat and don't want to eat... Which can cause them to not get a balanced diet?

You should never mix grit in with their feed, always offer it on the side.

I highly recommend reading the emergency section's threads to see what happens to birds who don't get a balanced diet.

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