Sealing Gaps


In the Brooder
Apr 1, 2023
HELLO fellow chicken owners! I am a first time chicken mama! I bought a coop/run off of Facebook Marketplace just a week ago!

It's a very nice coop.. well at least I think it is. I have a few questions.

I am in Northern Indiana and want to keep my coop dry and draft free. There are so gaps between the boards. What can I seal these with? I have added pictures.

Also do I need to insulate the coop for winter time?

Our chicks are 3 weeks old and growing like weeds!

Much Appreciated-



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I wouldn’t worry too much about the gaps as it will help with ventilation. But if you have predators you might want to fix it. In that case you use hardware cloth and staple it from the inside. Be careful of any glues that might release toxins as birds are very susceptible to fumes of any kind. Looks like a great buy
No need for insulation. That will just attract rodents, honestly.

empty feed bags make awesome water proof and wind proof wall coverings. Is there any ventilation in the coop? I can't see any in that pic, but you want to make sure there is approx 1 square foot of ventilation per bird at the top of the coop
No need for insulation. That will just attract rodents, honestly.

empty feed bags make awesome water proof and wind proof wall coverings. Is there any ventilation in the coop? I can't see any in that pic, but you want to make sure there is approx 1 square foot of ventilation per bird at the top of the coop
We are adding some ventilation once Indiana's weather decideds to cooperate! There's small ventilation on the back side but I want more!
Since we are city chicken folk we only have 6 chicks. ( who currently live in our living room 😂 )

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