Seattle Urban Farmer


Mar 4, 2019
Hello everyone!!! Here is my introduction. I am from Seattle and travel monthly to Hawaii with work. I have a small mini back yard flock which started with my beautiful HeyHey Plymouth Rock about a year ago. I learned I needed a friend for her whom I named Bimbo Bird. She is a Rhode Island Red. Both are my big girls. I then got 2 baby silkies and one turned out to be a dude. laugh out loud :) He is my in house buddy since I refuse to get rid of him and I will not annoy my neighbors. Then I rescued 2 Indian runner ducks. These two have been a challenge in learning duck life but also learning they are very upset with guys so with that it has been patience and lots of love as much as they will allow. ( Super happy I am breaking through to them lately. :D)
Then we also have two Broad Breasted White turkeys this year and I ended up with the love of my life baby Coco a chocolate Indian Runner. Since the turkeys are kinda mean I have ended up raising Coco and she imprinted on me. I have a lot fo stories and have Vets as family so we do take care of our babies as much as we can with out medical but I do have a lot of animal help and knowledge. Cant wait to chat with anyone now I am part of the backyard crew :D
:yesss: :welcome :yesss:
Welcome to our eggcelent flock here at BYC


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