
Apr 9, 2019
Alberta, Canada
I finally have room to get myself the Sebastopols I have been wanting for years! :celebrate
Unfortunately it seems there are quite the waiting lists from most hatcheries, and the quality standard isn't the same as what is found from most breeders, so I'm on the hunt.

I'm either looking for 3-5 goslings, or 6+ hatching eggs (even though I know they don't travel well) that can be shipped to, or are somewhere in, north western Alberta. I really like the whites, but peferably I would like coloured birds (grey, buff, or lavender saddleback), with what someone on this forum refered to as "Arabian heads" (like the horse - domed head that curves into a small nose). At this point I am open to any colours though.

If you are a breeder, or know someone, who has any available please let me know :fl
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