Second baby hatched is it ok????


12 Years
Feb 5, 2007
I just got to watch my second baby hatch (so cool-I've been staring into the 'bator for an hour). It has a red ball on it's end that's aroun dthe size of a blueberry, maybe smaller. Is something wrong or is it that the way it's bottom looks all wet??? Probably a stupid question but I was reading something earlier that's got me all scared:-(
OK, it's not it's bottom. I took a closer look. It is in fact it's belly button. The size has already diminished so that it's only a small red bump on it's belly. Will it be ok? It's belly in that area is still largish/kind of distended.
Is this the way they look when they are born????
It was part of the yolk sac that still hadnt been absorbed. If the chick is active and makes it thru the first 24 hours then it should be fine. Just keep an eye on it.
There is not much you can do for that chick. I would let him be and see how it does. I have seen some survive just fine like that. The problem is too high temp. Your thermometer may not be giving a correct reading.

Right after my first one hatched today the temp went way up. I don't know if someone bumped my dimmer or what but it was a considerable ammount and I don't know for how long it was like that. It had to have been under an hour b/c I kept checking it this morning. I corrected it as soon as I saw it but could that have caused it? Or does the temp have to be too high for a long period of time?
Temperature to high during incubation. I agree on checking the accuracy of your thermometer.

A yolk sac that small on a baby is not an issue. When they get the size of half your little finger, that is the time to worry.
THank you! They seem to be doing just fine and are sooooo cute:) I took them out this morning and out them in a transition box with plenty of heat, food, water, etc. They are funny!
Is it ok thta the rest haven't hatched yet? Is there still a chance that they will hatch?
Sorry to be a dunce but this is my first time and I already feel guilty about the whole temp thing, it would kill me if the rest didn't make it:-(
If you are hatching shipped eggs your hatch rate could be as low as 1 in 12. It really depends on how they where handled in shipping and how old the eggs where when you received them.

The next factor would be how good the parent stock is.

There are a lot of factors that could cause the rest not to hatch that had nothing to do with you.

That being said I hope you have a very good hatch.

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