Second time hatching... Need advice


In the Brooder
May 13, 2015
This is my second attempt at incubating/hatching. Our last hatch only yielded one bitty so I think I am nervous. So far this hatch is going very well. Three bittys have hatched so far and we have a few eggs rocking so I know it won't be long.

My question is concerning one of the eggs that pipped nicely, started to zip but seems to have quit mid hatch. I'm concerned the chick has died. I watched the egg for a solid 5 mins. The other chicks are still in the incubator so they are walking around in there (especially when they see me peak thru the window) and I still see no movement with this particular egg.

Should I be worried? Being that this egg must have started during the night I'm not sure how long that it has been still.
How does the membrane look? If there are others in there running around and the zipper is still not moving, I personally would check it out. I had one quit mid-zip. So at least make sure its still chirping. Dampening the membrane could help if its looking dry. Just dip your finger in warm water and dab the membrane.

Do you have others that are pipping or zipping?
How does the membrane look? If there are others in there running around and the zipper is still not moving, I personally would check it out. I had one quit mid-zip. So at least make sure its still chirping. Dampening the membrane could help if its looking dry. Just dip your finger in warm water and dab the membrane.

Do you have others that are pipping or zipping?
x2. I just had the same thing last week with 2 eggs. Both I left a little too long and by the time I helped the chicks were really "glued" in there. I did help them in time to save them both but had a really hard time getting the shell unstuck. My humidity during lock down was 75% but these 2 eggs were right under fan.
How does the membrane look? If there are others in there running around and the zipper is still not moving, I personally would check it out. I had one quit mid-zip. So at least make sure its still chirping. Dampening the membrane could help if its looking dry. Just dip your finger in warm water and dab the membrane.

Do you have others that are pipping or zipping?
So far no new pips only a couple of eggs that were rocking. (I had a few questionable ones when I candles so I chose to leave them set. They will be wait and see).
The membrane of the half zipped egg looks a little dry so I will wet it. See if touching the egg maybe shows movement.
**I am also wondering if I should move the chicks over to the brooder. Two hatched yesterday. One sometime during the night/morning.
Ok... I checked the egg. No movement. No chirping. So I think this little guy didn't make it. Two hatched on day 19 (yesterday). One this morning/lastnight. So they are a bit "early". I am going to keep my eye on the rest for another few days.
When they start zipping (even when they are pipping) start playing this for them (if you can) by the bator.


When mine start zipping I play this and they are almost always out within 15 minutes. True story.
Sorry to hear about the little guy. While going from pip to zip can take anywhere from a few hours to all day, once they start zipping they usually complete it w/o to many rest periods or any length of time. I have never had one not, (but I use the sounds to motivate them) but just about every case I see where someone has said their chick started pipping and stopped or it's been (more than a half hour) and the chick hasn't finished, it usually results in the chick expiring if it is not aided. If I see a chick is zipping I play the "music". If I were to see, (it luckily hasn't happened to me,) a chick stopped and not even attempting, with the motivation I would help right away. But, that's me, I'm a meddler.
When they start zipping (even when they are pipping) start playing this for them (if you can) by the bator. When mine start zipping I play this and they are almost always out within 15 minutes. True story. ;) Sorry to hear about the little guy. While going from pip to zip can take anywhere from a few hours to all day, once they start zipping they usually complete it w/o to many rest periods or any length of time. I have never had one not, (but I use the sounds to motivate them) but just about every case I see where someone has said their chick started pipping and stopped or it's been (more than a half hour) and the chick hasn't finished, it usually results in the chick expiring if it is not aided. If I see a chick is zipping I play the "music". If I were to see, (it luckily hasn't happened to me,) a chick stopped and not even attempting, with the motivation I would help right away. But, that's me, I'm a meddler.
I'm starting to think I am going to be a meddler. I try really hard to leave them alone but I check them so much. I never have it open long enough to change temp or humidity. With the incubator I have the window get almost impossible to see thru once I raise the humidity. So I will open to peak.

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