Securing metal roof ridges against predators


Fowl play will 🐝 encouraged 🐥🐔
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2021
UP Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
I have standard metal roof panels, the type with standard size ridges. Will driving a nail or bolt into the ridges for the purpose of making the space smaller keep out weasels?
No. You could stuff them with steel wool.
I was going to do that, too but thought it too weak. Maybe drive a nail through the sw so it doesn’t just push through the 3.75 in distance along the top frame plate. There is a chance of rusting.
Would the stainless steel scrubbers work if I unravel it?
They won't push it though. Animals will try to chew it and can't then move to another spot then finally give up. I'm not sure why you'd have water getting in the high hats of metal to rust the steel wool. Regardless, whatever cheap metal material you can source. Even if it rusted some what's the concern?

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