Seed Starting

As long as the forecast coming up is mostly favorable, you can seed cold tolerant plants. I've seeded peas as early as Feb. and then had a couple inches of snow fall, and most of them still sprouted later on, once things thawed out.
I’m gonna attempt it with carrots as long as the ground isn’t froze.

Thursday I was out collecting samples for soil testing and was able to go down several inches with no problem so I think I should be good for carrots next weekend.
I'll be starting my seeds April 1. Lots of tomatoes, some sweet and hot peppers, spaghetti squash, and marigolds.

I use quart sized cottage cheese or yogurt containers as pots. No up-potting, but it does take a lot of potting soil. I make my own, so the cost isn't prohibitive.

I'll get some pictures another day; I thought I had a bunch, but must have deleted them.

The marigolds seem to keep some bugs away from the tomatoes, but the flowers do attract Japanese Beetles. Which turns out ok, as I harvest JBs for chicken feed.
I think I’ll start my tomatoes around that time as well, it’s either April 1st or 8th.

I got seeds to do both butternut squash and black beauty zucchini. I’ve never done squash starts but I’ve heard they’re quick and easy?

Yes please share pictures when you can.

Do you do marigolds purely to keep bugs away from tomatoes? And how do you go about harvesting beetles for feed?? I’m super curious about that.
What kind of peppers are you doing?
And how do you go about harvesting beetles for feed?
Japanese Beetles are a big pest here, from early July through August. So are their larvae, which live in the soil for 1-3 years. My chickens eat both.

JBs defense is to drop off whatever they are on. Which is usually a leaf or a flower. They like grapevine leaves a lot, and we have lots of wild grapevines, so I can catch over 100 a day when they're in their peak.

I take a plastic container with a wide opening, and put about 1" of water in the bottom. When I find beetles, I put the opening below them, tap the leaf, and they let go, falling into the water.

When I give them to the chickens, I dump them in a white enamel roaster pan (they show up against the white) that has a couple of inches of water in it. The water is so that they don't just fly away. Then I call, "bug snack!" and the chickens come running and devour the beetles.

It's personal with me. JB killed my hazelnut trees.

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