Seed Starting

I have a garden in the backyard to plant stuff in here if Germany. The people in the house before us had potatoes which I was able to harvest as soon as we moved in cause they were perfectly ripe.
I’m not positive what we’ll plant in it, but probably some potatoes. Suggestions?
I’m prepping the garden, gettting rid of weeds right now and tilling up the dirt!

(Sorry about photobombing child. :p)
I’m not positive what we’ll plant in it, but probably some potatoes. Suggestions?
This is obvious, but plant what your family likes to eat! No point in planting kohlrabi if they try it once and say yuck. Believe me, I've heard of people planting "a lot of radishes, because they're easy to grow," (for example) and then find out nobody wants to eat them.
This is obvious, but plant what your family likes to eat! No point in planting kohlrabi if they try it once and say yuck. Believe me, I've heard of people planting "a lot of radishes, because they're easy to grow," (for example) and then find out nobody wants to eat them.
Very good advice. Plant what you think you will use and can grow in your area. Onions, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes are common choices, but there are many more. I always like to try one unusual thing each year just to try it and see if I like it.
This is obvious, but plant what your family likes to eat! No point in planting kohlrabi if they try it once and say yuck. Believe me, I've heard of people planting "a lot of radishes, because they're easy to grow," (for example) and then find out nobody wants to eat them.
Very true, very true. No vegetables then. 😂
I always like to try one unusual thing each year just to try it and see if I like it.
Me too. I also like to try new varieties of my garden standards. Last year was my first year with purple potatoes. Going to be growing them from now on.

Every year, I try to plant some new varieties of tomatoes. Got two big winners last year: Hungarian Heart and Italian Heirloom.

I also try to grow more perennials, or things I can save seeds/starts from. Like garlic. I bought some cloves at the local farm stand a few years ago, and that's been enough to keep my garlic bed going ever since. Hmmmm... maybe I should try a new kind of garlic...

Then I got Egyptian Walking Onions. And also some called, "potato onions." I still buy onion sets to plant; we eat a LOT of onions!

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