Self Blue (Lavender) Silkie Thread

Can someone tell me what they think of these 2 babies, One is lavender and one porcelain, I think! Lavender male over a black split.the other is from the lavender male and a porcelain female. Same male. I'm not sure of the seconds color


I got a lavender and porcelain silkie Roos I was wondering if anyone had opinions on the lavender
Does the picture represent your lavs true color? I've noticed that different lighting in pictures has a huge effect. Here's one of my lav splash boy in the sun AND shade. Indoors he looks a little more "purple-ish"? I'd love to see more!
At long last the first egg hatched from my F2 Self Blue pens. It has been a journey. I have two pens with trios. They all have the same sire. My Catdance bred Paint
male Dapper Dan. Lavender (Self Blue) pen B is headed up with Mr. Dreamy. He has pretty even color and a small dark comb. His feet are ok but his beard and muffs are great. His tail and wings could be better. I put him with his sisters. A dark splash pullet and a dark blue or split pullet. They excel where he is less.

The first chick is beautiful. Large vault and nearly perfect feet.

Incubator has six more eggs due from Mr. Dreamy and his girls. I hope for more like this one.

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