selling eggs, how old is fresh?

I'd say even the freshest "fresh" eggs are at least a week or so old to begin with. Then how long do you think they sit in the gorcer's store room, then how long do they sit on the shelf before you buy them?

If you get your eggs to the market within two weeks I'd lable them "Farm Fresh EGGS (limited quantity)"

I just had a thought....What if you put a feather or two in the egg carton? The people would open the top see the feather and think, "Gee these eggs really ARE fresh!"
Or am I just thinking crazy like...
The "Fresh" eggs you buy in the supermarket are probably at least a month old, usually more. Eggs have a very long shelf life if handled properly. If you're selling eggs that are less than 2 weeks old they're fresher than people usually get.
I do that sometimes, when I find a pretty one when I'm gathering eggs. I figure it helps remind the people receiving them that I also don't wash the eggs.
Thank is such useful info - I have just been given the job of taking hard boiled eggs to my grandson's birthday party picnic - I hadn't thought that I should keep some of my eggs so they get a bit older so the peel more easily. Thank you for that!
I don't like selling eggs that are more than 4 days old. I like my customers to get the best eggs possible. I like to use the older eggs for myself or supply my parents with eggs.

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