senior chicken with sore toe


10 Years
Nov 5, 2009

Im hoping someone might be able to advisecme on next course of action.
This bird is about 7.
Refusing to leave roost as in pain. I looked for puncture, those bumblefoot dots but cant see any.
Shes eating well and drinking if I bring her out. Her housemates are picking on her now too...Im guessing for not joining the flock.
I did spray it with the purple spray, just incase of puncture wounds. Made it hard to see anything.

Its been like this a few days now.

Do you think it might be broken, isnt loose. ? Looks wonky and swollen.

Can you use an epsom salt soak on chook feet?

Shes a lovely but very flighty hen, sitting on my knee to eat is highly unusual. Poor girl
Epsom salts are great for poor, old feet...even poor, old chicken feet. The toe I don't think it is broken, though, because there would be much more swelling involved. It may be arthritic changes or a dislocated toe. I couldn't say for sure either way. If the bird is limping or otherwise showing that the toe is bothering her, then it is worth treating.

Do the soaks. See what happens.
Thanks, shes such a sweet girl, hate to see her suffering. The vets here are not bird people more dogs , horses and dairy cows, but a toe might be easy for them to understand.
Assume dosage same as horses and humans.
Will make it more dilute....boy is she going to be offended.
How do you fix a dislocated toe?
The dosage is roughly the same as you would do for a human. Just make sure she doesn't drink any of it (she's going to try!) or it will give her a horrendous case of diarrhea.

You can try to fix the toe if you wish. It is mostly a matter of wrenching the toe back into joint and then pinning it there with a sturdy dressing. I say that very cavalierly, but what I actually mean is: pull the toe out from the joint-with probably considerable force- until the toe re-seats itself into the proper position. Her musculature is probably going to work against you on this, so once the toe seems in proper alignment you are going to need to immediately pinion the foot to a backing board, starting with the bum toe first. Whenever I use a foot dressing, I attach toes separately to the backing board. It's an extra pain, but if I decide to actually treat foot injuries, it pays to go the extra mile and do things properly. Just be aware, tape cannot be attached directly to a bird's foot or you risk damaging the scales.
I have that vet wrap and lollipop sticks. ?. Thinking im not going to be great at it... hard to learn without seeing it done. M
Might try you tube
Ive put her in with the guinea pigs and batchelor quail. Sulking by everyone ensued but she has access to food and water without dragging herself around.
The rest of the flock is unamused.
Turned out the vet in the next town breeds game hens, so I took her there this afternoon.
Petal had arthritis but also had managed to wreck her hip joint. Possibly got caught somewhere.
The vet let me feel the differance and it was not fixable and showed me she didnt want to use the whole leg at all.
Poor sweet chicky babe.

Thanks for your advice.
Its a very sad outcome, but really pleased I found an chicken friendly vet.

Thanks again for your advice. Its nice to talk to chicken folk. I have a big bag of spring bulbs I can plant over her, a pretty reminder.

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